In devos on Wednesday morning in Haiti,we talked about discipleship making and the question "If the disciples hadn't been faithful to the call of Christ and the mission He gave them, where would we be?" was presented. Would the gospel have spread so radically and quickly? What would our churches be like today? If the stories of Paul and the apostles spreading the gospel hadn't happened and hadn't been written about, would we be as effective in our own ways of sharing Christ without learning from their examples?
On Saturday, our team did a water truck stop in a tent city instead of Cite Soleil, and it was so good. As soon as we got there, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Robb had pulled Wilson, one of the interpreters, aside with him and was talking to a man next to one of tent houses. He later told us the story.
While waiting for the TapTap that morning, he had been praying and seeking Jesus and God gave him the word Fire. He didn't quite know what God wanted him to do with it. As we went to the water truck stop, he was asking God what he wanted him to do with the word Fire and even began searching for an actual fire in the area. At one point he looked up and saw a man with fiery orange/red sunglasses and felt like God was saying this was the one. He went over to this man and put his hand out on him and told him he needed Jesus. The man took off his sunglasses and began weeping as he shared some stuff from his life and how his life was a mess. And that day that man found Jesus and was so excited about it he wanted Robb to stay and tell his kids and his wife about God. We weren't going to be staying too much longer but Robb told him to go and tell his kids himself what God had done for him and tell everybody about it. Discipleship making. Multiplying. Just like we had talked about that week.
That story really stuck out to me. And as I thought about it, I began to wonder, what if Robb hadn't chosen to spend a "time out" as he called it with Jesus that morning but instead came outside to wait and talk with the rest of the team? What if he had missed God and never gotten the word Fire. Perhaps that man in the tent city never would have found Jesus. And now his family wouldn't have. Who knows how God will use this new follower to spread His love and forgiveness to others. His whole tent city may come to know Christ because of him. And because Robb took the time to be intentional that morning in seeking what God would have him hear and do that day.
I want to be intentional. To seek the face of God. To know God.To love. To serve.