Wednesday, July 18, 2012

So it is Tuesday afternoon, We have had just an AWESOME time. Thank you to all who prayed our travel was more than smooth. We have experienced so much since we got here. When we got here we had many emotions, many questions; Is Robb still alive? YES! ( he met us at the Airport and ate dinner with us the first night, we will see him again on Thursday when we go to Grace Village)Is Haiti rundown? Yes, desolate even. Hot? Totally. Forgotten? Absolutely not! God is here, it is evident to our team. From the first night meeting the kids by the guest house, to distributing water and holding orphans there is a real sense of community, a feeling of hope, hard to describe but uplifting. Amongst the uplifting is the indescribable poverty. We went into Cite Soleil with a water truck three times on Monday, bringing water, people line up with buckets and tubs. It has been so fun to see the joy of the people to get water, water to drink, bathe their babies and do laundry. With the buckets comes swarms of kids to hold and play with. Cite Soleil is very poor, tent cities everywhere, garbage, we got to walk out into the garbage dump, right by the ocean and sing songs with the kids at the first stop. God did not intend people to live like this, especially the kids without parents, without family, but our God has also not forgot them bringing them joy, forgiveness and so much more. Our students have done a great job of diving in and loving like Jesus, reaching out and accepting to all. We have experienced love on a whole new level. Each Night each person shares a word to describe the day, their experience or their heart. We have had words such as Open, compelled, jungle gym, beginning, heavy hearted, love, humbled, and many more. Due the fact that our time here is so precious I would like to use one word that I feel in some ways combines all the other words: Joy. We did not come to Haiti to have fun we would have gone to the Amusement Park for that, we came to serve, to be the hands and feet of Jesus to try and make a difference, to bring water and salvation to the Haitians people and to bring God glory. We have done that, experienced that but the more we have loved and the more we lean on Jesus the more joy we have. It has been work, it has been uncomfortable, we have been hungry, thirsty, hot, and tired but we have had Joy. As we pick up these kids who are naked and hold them close we see the love of Christ create smiles, hugs, and laughter. Praise God for that. John Chapter 15 has come up down here, "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other." We have loved and we have had Joy. Continue to pray for us as we process what we are experiencing, pray that the students are connecting with Jesus, and taking time to listen, taking time to spend in the Word. Pray for continued Safety. Pray for opportunities for us to bring Glory to God and salvation to the haitians. We love you all and are praying for you too!

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