Sunday, April 14, 2013

Servant Heart

What ever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that your will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving.  Collossians 4:23-24

Gina Monty

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A day of orphanages...

       There was such joy witnessed and experienced by the team on Thursday...we brought our healing touch and love of Jesus to handicapped children at Gertrudes orphanage. These orphans are left without care in the back room of hospitals, and a Haitian named Gertrude rescued several of them and started the orphanage. Healing Haiti came alongside this orphanage and supports them financially along with the visits from us.  The children ranged in disabilities from wheelchair bound to fully functional without any disabilities...Gertrude will care for orphans that are suffering on the streets of Haiti as well.
     Our afternoon trip was to a new orphanage named Juno's, after the name of the man/wife team who began it.  It is built on a small lot with a few mature trees which are so nice for shade. These children were mostly rescued from the streets of Cite Soleil...there is a good Samaritan in the slum that will pluck these abused children from the squalor and transport them to Juno's orphanage for healing and a new chance at life.  
     When the top-top (creole for "bus")  pulled into Juno's, the 19 orphans were so excited!!  This was a first visit from HH, so the children had not experienced a team of Americans loving them up. What joy! I could hear them saying "C'est Momma" (it's my momma) as we were stepping off the bus...sweet sadness. We acted out a bible story -- Jesus calms the storm--first and made paper boats with the children after. All the Haitian team that travels with us act as interpreters so they loves the skit. We then unpacked and layed out all the donated swimsuits and flip-flops for the children to choose, for we were taking them to the beach on Saturday---most had never been to the clean side of Haiti to enjoy the we take that for granted. The girls were so precious to watch as they "shopped" the donated swimsuits.  Three of them came strolling out as proud as could be with these brightly colored suits against their very dark skin...such a contrast from earlier. The boys had a ball as well with their swimsuit choices and trying to match flip-flops. All wanted our approval of the choice they had made interestingly enough.  We also brought soccer balls along and played soccer as a last activity. The children had literally no toys, balls, they have soccer balls as a start. We waved them all goodbye, knowing we would be reunited on Saturday. Great day!!

Post by Barb Larson

Well what a day (Friday)! Started with praise and worship at a church at six this morning at an outdoor church, the energy was exciting and we were blessed. We ended the night with Salsa dancing on the roof! In between, the day was filled with so many experiences of meeting, praying, massaging elderly people, visiting in their homes and praying over them. Imagine a home with a bed on the floor and the whole house is only 10 by 10 and twenty five people in there. We brought them a hot meal, something to drink and bananas. One of the women's grandson's had just been killed and her sorrow was felt by all of us. We visited a small school that taught 320 students, it was smaller than an old school house. We visited Grace Village, the place that has been built by Healing Haiti. Please go to the website and see the pictures, you will be impressed! Love to each of you for your prayers. - Barb

Fun day!

We got to take the kids up the coast (a beautiful drive) and go swimming (some of the kids FIRST time ever)! Then we had a wonderful time of worship, both in Creole and English (led by the team from Eagle Brook) with an awesome sunset over the ocean in the background. The sweetest yet saddest part of the day was to have a little boy from the neighborhood sit next to me and hold hands during worship...then I had to tell him to go home :( I wish I could have ended his night on a brighter note, but I pray the time was as meaningful to him as it was to me...I told him Jesu reme ou (phonetic for Jesus loves you in Creole). God is such a joy to love and serve through the lives of others!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Answered Prayers

The hard shell of my heart has a crack in it.  It began this morning at tent church worship. It was edged open by my sister in Christ. It continued to split further when I was talking with one of our interpreters. It opened even more when a call to Christ was answered, pointing out again, that it isn't about me.

This journey we are on must be taken with faith.  Faith is active, and must be exercised.

God hears every prayer from our lips.


Haitian Worship, Grace Village & Visiting Elders

Today started early (5:30) so we could attend a worship service in a near by neighborhood. It was under a tent, but the location and surroundings were of no concern...the worship was so powerful! They even sang some English so we could understand. They have this service every day - can you imagine having that in our society?

On to a tour of Grace Village...what a beautiful, fun and blessed place. God has used this place powerfully in the lives of the children, volunteers and workers. How awesome the things He can do when His followers listen and obey His call!

We spent the rest of the day visiting elders that have very little. Healing Haiti supports them, and there are individuals and families that provide this support directly for a specific elder (they are always looking for more sponsors!) We brought them food and spent time talking, singing, praying and giving massages. What a team we have - everyone dives right in to help in their own special way. One elder, Marie, is 104 years old (!) and it was such a joy to see and hear her reaction when we told her that her & I share a name. I'm sure we'll post a photo of her - she's such a joyful, faithful woman! The faith she embodied was such an encouragement and role model to me. I will hold on to this example and memory dearly.

Another wonderful day in Haiti enjoying and sharing God's love!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Who is your father?

A young man named Davidson asked me today about the organization of Healing Haiti. I told him that it is a Christian ministry serving in Haiti. He then told me that my father is his father, and he asked me if he could call me Sister! What a glorious feeling to say yes, my Father is the King of Kings!

Gina Monty


      Wednesday was "water-truck" day; we were going to spend the entire day delivering chlorinated water to THE poorest city on earth: Cite Soleil (City of the Sun). The city is a 4 mile radius which came to pass from the boycott of their main export, sugar cane, in 1991. This boycott left thousands of factory workers unemployed and in turn led to more intense poverty.  Nothing can prepare anyone from a rich nation what we were about to see, smell and experience...nothing.  
   Healing Haiti owns 2 water trucks--one 3,500 gal capacity and one 2,500 gal capacity. A wealthy Haitian owns a deep well that supplies Port-au-Prince with all of its clean water via water trucks. All of the trucks charge the Haitians for water no matter how poor the family, except the trucks from Healing Haiti....  There is no available water for free anywhere else in the slums .  HH trucks deliver the water to 3 districts within Cite Soleil 6 days per week--Sunday is a day off for the team to be with family.  We began the delivery at district 17 within Cite Soleil.  It requires several of the team to run the truck efficiently...two to handle the hose, one to move the line of people and buckets forward and several others to move the buckets-- most 5 gal size, out of line once filled. The buckets must then be transported to the persons shanty. Most able-bodied women carried the bucket on their head, which weigh 50 lbs ea filled. We assisted them in moving the bucket up their bodies to their head, however some were able to do this on their own. The majority of the water fetchers were women and children...most of the children required assistance, but we were cautioned that the children who weren't in school were most likely restaveks (child slaves) who are given by parents who cannot afford their care.  These children are treated poorly and not like a member of the family they serve.  We carried hundred of buckets to their destinations, with one of our Haitian team members close behind whenever we left the view of the trucks. Ironically, I felt very safe as we were delivering a basic need to these desperate people who were so grateful. The children were a pure delight and jumped into our arms as we unloaded from the bus. Many were unclothed, but surprisingly clean. They simply wanted to be held, touched, sang to, played with and ultimately loved. Not one of us women shied away from a child, no matter how many were clinging to us already.
   We went to 2 additional districts and dispensed an entire truckload of water to hundreds of families...carrying and transporting the buckets to their homes. We in turn played with their children and were offered several infants that mothers wanted a better life for... One mother took her baby from one team member to me as each had to decline to take her child...heart wrenching.
   A highlight was visiting a soccer camp within the slums that HH and Feed My Starving Children supports. Each district within Cite Soleil sends 20 children chosen by hand to this camp which meets after school 4 days per week. The children are then fed a meal after camp, which is a manna pack from FMSC...pretty cool.
   One does not live in this filth and disgust by choice....there is no other place for them...illiteracy is pervasive and unemployment upwards of 70%.  All of us women left this place of despair completely changed and with a new perspective of our own lives and deeply touched by the lesson of our creator, each unique to the individual. 

Confused perspective

I'm still processing from yesterday...

As others from the team have written about, when we did a "walk out" (walked down the block out of a district once the water was out), it was terrible and amazing at the same time - amidst the sewage, garbage and graves, the children joyfully sang and danced "God is so good!" with us, led by one of the Haitian workers, so it was mostly in Creole. But when that line was first sung (in English), it stopped me like I had walked into a wall. How awesome that they have the joy of the Lord when they have NOTHING. How awful that I get distracted from the joy of the Lord when I have EVERYTHING. God help me to keep my perspective on You and You alone.

Yesterday day was such a blessing...I had this little boy with a Rugrats t-shirt comfortably rest in my arms at the first stop, and then an hour later he showed up at the next stop at least a block and a half away(!)...once he found me he wouldn't leave my arms - he fell asleep and we had to wake him when we had to leave. As I walked away I watched him sleepily wander towards what he calls home.

There is no place like home, yet it doesn't matter where or what that is as long as we have the Lord as our focus every moment of every day.

Today we're going to an orphanage for handicapped children, then to a school to teach a lesson about Noah's ark. Should be another blessed and fun day!
"GOOD" morning.

Prepare my heart for the day, Father! I give you myself to do with me as thou will. I am getting out of your way... Do for me what I cannot do for myself! I love the way you have already blessed my day and we haven't even left the house! YEAH!!! What do you have for us on this great day in Haiti!!!!!

HaPpY BiRtHdAy to my best friend, sweetheart, the one I share my life with....

EINAR!!  Have a wonderful birthday today and may God shine HIS face upon you and give you PEACE!!!

P.S. Sorry about the snow, baby.... I put the shovel away! I think its in the garage! LOLOL

          Love you!!!  Betsy

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Judy blogging in Haiti

Our team is very blessed to be here in Haiti giving a very big cup of water in Jesus name! The line of buckets waiting for clean fresh water seemed endless. We poured out three truck loads...about 8000 gallons. Some took baths right in front of us....and the children loved water poured on their heads...we had a blast!  The barefoot children walking through the garbage...including glass, rocks, shells, and sewage was heartbreaking. Singing "God is so Good" with the children who followed us, led by a Haitian believer, in the dump where all the garbage from Port au Prince ends up when it rains...right by the bay/ocean...a life changing memory. Pigs, goats...a few dogs...a skinny cat...we saw it all.

We have lots more to say...not much time...enjoying new friendships. More later.

Water truck

Today we went with the Haitian crew to bring the water truck into Cite Soleil.  The JOY on the faces of the children was just amazing. Some things are just counter-intuitive. People that live in these conditions have such joy to be helped. I struggled often with only being able to say thank you and Jesus loves you in French, but a smile is universal.

I did get the opportunity to share some of the story of my road to Jesus with Immanuel, one of our interpreters and security guards. HE ministered to ME, encouraging me to press on and stay the course so that I can be an evangelist, bringing more to Christ through my own testimony.

Those of you who know Bill W, Immanuel tells me there are people here who could use him, but Immanuel himself knew not of what I spoke...

Grateful for being pulled by the hands of so many. Grateful to have my heart being pulled into a new shape.

Gina Monty
First one up? 

I don't really remember laying my head down, but I woke up refreshed and ready for the day! The sound of a rooster and a good cup of Haitian coffee, I'm praying that the Lord equips us for what lies ahead.... I am so very grateful for the org. Healing Haiti, for Lisa Olson, our team leader, "little" Becky, for her fearless energy, and our loving team of women who have recklessly abandoned themselves! {Thanks for the quote, Gretchen!} My heart is soft and my hands are open, ready to give and receive what my savior has for me. An attitude of gratitude... keeps our hearts open. 
Peace and love, 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day #1...sick and dying visits

Our hearts are forever began with a visit to the home for sick and dying children, although most children didn't "appear" to be terminal. There were moms and dads visiting their sick little ones during the morning and taking them to the clinic held by volunteers. Some of us headed straight for the tiny babies and others stayed outside on the playground handing out the balloon animals we made the prior evening. The balloons were a huge hit with the kids, even the babies.  I was drawn to the very sick infant room...there were roughly 8 babies ranging in age from 4 mo. to 1 1/2 yrs old. Most appeared to be malnourished with IV fluids being fed into them...all of them were just waiting to be held by us and were so precious! Some of them were unable to lift their little heads due to heart broke several times with each baby I held. We also were given the privilege of feeding the toddlers their lunch--these children were very well behaved with unbelievable manners.

Our next stop was Sandfill, which is a hospice type setting for older children and adults. I had such a difficult time with these young ladies suffering with TB...most were not much older than my own daughter. We loved on them by massaging their hurting bodies with lotion and painting their nails. They loved it! These young ladies were so beautiful in spirit and so appreciated our touch and love...however were terminal with an illness that is so treatable in the U.S. Their bodies were hot to the touch and some of their limbs so sore we couldn't touch them. They suffer in silence, but are in a Christian environment so are hearing God's word. I asked each of them in broken French if they knew Jesus....most nodded yes. Again, I left with my heart bleeding but so glad I could touch a few of them if only for several minutes.

Tomorrow we head to Cite Soliel to deliver clean water....until then by friends. Bon nuit!

Judy blogging in Haiti

My team members have blogged a lot of what we have done today. Read their posts!

Holding and hugging babies who are ill is a privilege. So hard to put them down when they are saying NO NO...just wanting you to keep holding them. Their sad eyes look at you...and they turn to smiles when you hold them.

Our time with the ill and dying women and a few children was quite the experience. Giving massages and applying lotion to their hot and aching bodies was amazing. RM was oohing and ahing while I massaged her. Through a translater I found out she was about my age and probably had kidney failure...she looked so much older. We sang and prayed for them.

We polished nails of the little insisted she polish my nails...she also wanted to put lotion on me...what a compassionate little girl! We were impressed with theit manners.  More later.


Where ever you go, people behave just as people do. Children love balloons and to be held. They cry when their mother leaves them. Adults like foot rubs and ladies like having their nails painted. Kids like to play soccer and like to make up games like copy cat. Laundry needs to be done, and dinner gets cooked. People sell there wares and students walk home from school. Some people walking home get "fast food" on their way. People do the same things, sometimes in a slightly different way, no matter where you go.

This is a greeting from Barb Larson

What happens when sixteen women gather for a trip of a lifetime and serve together. The answer, beautiful things for God! As we started our first day at the home for sick and dying babies and as we held them, sang to them, prayed over them, each woman had tears in their eyes at the priviledge of  being there and being the hands and feet of Jesus. Then in the afternoon, we went to a home for the elderly who too were very sick and dying. We brought lotion and massaged  their bodies and prayed for them. As I looked over the room and saw all sixteen of us each with a woman and gently touching and hopefully bringing love and care to them.
God has blessed me in so many ways, thank you for your prayers.
Barb Larson



It's from God and for God.

Today I came to terms with the fact that life is precious - EVERY single life, no matter where it starts or ends, is just as important as another. God loves us all the same, unconditionally, lavishly and without end.

To be the hands and feet of Jesus, anywhere, anytime, is my mission.
Loss for words...                                                                                      April 9 2013

I'm sitting here trying to put down into words, what its like to embrace a small child with a serious illness. With a face mask on, massaging lotion on a woman's arms and legs, wondering what her name was and why she's laying in bed.
Tomorrow, its going to be a day of delivering water to people. What we all take for granted...
Peace and God's love,

It's a new morning!

We awoke to a beautiful sunrise atop the patio of our beautiful guesthouse. A family of two young girls were preparing for school as their mother fixed their hair so pretty. We are feeling much anticipation today as we head to the home for sick and dying children to love on them. Our love for Christ will flow through our arms into the hearts of these precious children of God!

Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

Strange - that's how I felt at the airport before we boarded the plane in the wee hours of the morning - 2:00 am to be precise. Perhaps it was the early wake up... wearing sandals in MN while there's still snow on the ground... the 43 pieces of luggage our group of 16 had... the chaos of travel logistics...? Was it because our main leader, Becky, sounds like one dear friend and looks a lot like another?  Or did I feel strange for the simple and obvious reason that I was embarking on a journey WAY out of my comfort zone?  Not my physical comfort zone - although that is surely an aspect.  I'm talking about the comfort zone of my heart.

It was a bumpy and fun ride in the top-top (think small bus with a cage all around) from the Port-Au-Prince airport to our guest-house.  We unloaded the top-top and then took a walk (escorted by our guards) around the block. Seconds out on the street this sweet boy walked up to me and put his arm around me. His name is Dickenson, he's 15 and wants to be an engineer.  I guess he is one of the kids in the neighborhood and he knew some in our group from other trips. He told me about school, his favorite subjects, and showed me his composition book.  His handwriting is beautiful.  We walked around the block the entire time with our arms around each other.  It seemed the most natural thing for him as we just talked and laughed. He helped me learn some Creole, too.  This was WAY out of my comfort zone.

Immediately after our short walk, we came in and prayed before dinner.  Part way through the meal we were joined by a Haitian, Fam Fam, who once had asked God to either take him or deliver him.   Today, he is married, a father to be, studying to become a pastor, and coming to the U.S. soon to complete his training and education.  Most importantly, he is full of Love and Light.  As 19 or so of us were gathered around the long table finishing our meal, he began to lead us in worship.  No music, just the voices of 19 singing praises to God.  I'm not a good singer, just ask those who know me and rightly razz me about it - and I am self conscience about it.  There was no way I could 'hide' my singing in such a setting.  But I was not singing to them.  I felt an overwhelming comfort and peace consume me as we sang our hearts out.

It was then that I realized I WAS in my comfort zone.  That comfort zone is not dependent upon my physical location nor my circumstances.  God is my Comfort Zone - and He is everywhere.

"We shall need the hands of Christ to touch these bodies wounded by pain and suffering.  Intense love does not measure - it just gives."   -Mother Teresa


Monday, April 8, 2013

It's real

As we flew into the coast of Haiti this afternoon, I could already see glimpses from above of the devastation and poverty we would soon drive and walk admist. This being my first mission trip, I thought the first real-life, up-close and personal sights, sounds and smells would be more surreal. But it actually felt like I walked straight into a Compassion, or a similar organization's, promotional video and now I'm just doing life with different people and surroundings. Walking around the neighborhood of the guest house that we call home this week, the children that ran out and walked with us seemed like any other child, desiring our attention and affection. It was so natural to hold their hand and try to talk with them (I wish I remembered some French from HS). As we got settled in to the house after a wonderful dinner and spontaneous worship time around the table, I feel like I'm at summer camp! This is going to be a great week. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

I will end with something my mom shared with me from a biography of John Newton that he had written to Wilberforce...

You are not only a representative of Yorkshire, you have the far greater honor of being a representative for the Lord in a place where many know Him not, and an opportunity of showing them what are the genuine fruits of that religion that you are known to profess.

Praying that God will use us to represent and share Him well!


We have made it safely to our destination. Many of us chose window seats on the jump to Haiti, and were rewarded with the majesty of the mountain views.  Our ride in the tap tap was certainly an adventure.  Not a long drive, but rough and bumpy.  Our home in Haiti is so beautiful! It's hard to believe the scene when we took a short walk through the neighborhood accompanied by several children.  We were joined for dinner by Jeff and FanFa and all sang FanFa's favorite worship songs including "Mighty to Save".  Unpacking was chaotic, but completed in a relatively short time with so many helping.  After a cool shower, many have settled onto the couch to attempt to create balloon animals for the children we will see on tomorrow's day trip.

I had the chance to speak to Pierre as I was boarding the plane to Haiti, and he asked if I thought Haiti could be healed.  We can only do a small part, but he encouraged us to share the gospel and continue to share the news that JESUS SAVES!!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


"Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man (woman) of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!” 

Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.” 

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” And he said, “Go..."  ~Isaiah 6:5-9

And so we go... with gratitude, humility, compassion, and expectancy for God's Will to be done.


Friday, April 5, 2013


                                                                                                                              Friday, April 5 2013
Good morning,
  We met last night to fill 17 suitcases traveling with us to Haiti. Filled with swimsuits for children, tarps for tent village, and quilts that were hand made with lots of prayers and love! We gathered after we finished weighing each suitcase, making sure they all came in under 50 lbs...thanks, Gina!!! A group discussion on last minute things that would help us with our stay there as in, any snoring in this group? We're trusting Gretchen to assign roommates! lol The rest of the weekend will be filled with packing our personal carry ons and kissing those we are leaving behind. God's peace, Betsy
"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Phillippians 4:13

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Leaving soon!

Just a few days now before we leave!  Please pray for us as we pack our bags!  I am ready to be challenged, and I hope that each woman going on this trip will be shaped by the power of God!